Still trying to have privacy on the World Wide Web.

I get very judgemental towards some people I’m friends with on Facebook that post pictures of themselves drinking and partying, and they’re clearly not 21. People that are not supposed to see those photos – like a potential employer – could very easily find them, and it could potentially damage some relationships or first impressions. […]

“writers block”

I want to write something, anything, so badly but I can’t seem to find inspiration. Nothing I’m trying is working, and it’s frustrating to want to be able to speak, but nothing that comes out is making sense/feels good enough. This post isn’t particularly ‘good’ either, but I just need to write SOMETHING. Hopefully something […]

Greetings, WordPress.

I’m hoping that this will become a source for my (more intelligent and insightful) thoughts and ramblings. A lot of crazy stuff crosses my mind on a daily basis, and I need more than one outlet for them, and sort them based on whether or not I would be embarrassed having potential future employers read […]