risky business

I always feel a bit of apprehension in discussing politics/religion/Harry Potter with other people I know that have differing opinions.

As I’ve written before, I have strong convictions. I believe this country is running itself into the ground and conservatives seem to want to dig us deeper by taking human rights a large step backward.

Mississipi’s Prop 26 is a prime example. Birth control illegal? Personhood begins at conception? Doctors would be tried for murder because they performed a life-saving abortion that would have been fatal to both mother and child?

Some arguments I’ve read in favor of 26 are absolutely ridiculous.

Nobody else on this planet has any business controlling me or my body, and I have no business controlling anyone else. So what if it doesn’t parallel with your morals? I have my own set of beliefs that I arrived at out of my own personal soul-searching and contemplation.

Believe whatever you want to believe and act accordingly, but don’t force it on other people. That is my worst pet peeve of all time.



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